Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 2019 Cactus Updates Part 2

Cactus Updates

September 2019

4. Astrophytum sp

#1 Astrophytum myriostigma var. fukuryu*

This beauty is more than 30 cm tall, 14 cm wide and very heavy. Despite being categorized as 'fukuryu' which stands for additional growth between ribs, this guy is not showing full 'fukuryu' trait compared to others. My guess would be due to a bit of 'kikko' gene is inherited by this cactus, you can see the bumpy ridges on the areoles; usually it is very rare to get both traits on one cactus.

#2 Astrophytum myriostigma var fukuryu


This beauty is around 15 cm tall, 16 cm wide and grafted onto Harrisia jusbertii. Compared to Cactus #1, this guy is what 'fukuryu' characteristic would look like. On some source, it would be referred as 'fukuryu type A' due to its extra ribs developed but without additional areoles,

#3 Astrophytum myriostigma var fukuryu

The inter ribs growth is very prominent on this cactus compared to common 'fukuryu', thus they are highly valued.

 Comparison between 'fukuryu type A' (Left) and 'fukuryu type B (right).
 Some say that this cactus looks like Starfruit/Carambola due to its shape and color.

Another similar sized Astrophytum which is around 15 cm tall and 15 cm wide. Compared to Cactus #1 and #2, this guy is the kind of 'fukuryu' characteristic would attract most Astrophytum collector. On some source, it would be referred as 'fukuryu type B' due to its extra ridges and extreme bumps developed along with additional ribs but also without areoles, This is one of my favourites, mainly due to its very striking lime green color, most of my collections are in dark green or variegated.

#4 Astrophytum myriostigma var fukuryu

The white specks are in thick spots, this is the trait of 'hakuun' which means cloud in japaneese. Obviously, this myriostigma carries some interesting traits from the two main characteristics namely 'fukuryu' and 'hakuun'.

You probably know when you get to the other end of the spectrum, that you will get an extreme result in what ever you do. This extreme version of Astrophytum myriostigma is totally unlike any commonly grown Astrophytum myriostigma, it is hard to distinguish it between fukuryu type itself too! This cactus is categorized as 'fukuryu' type B due to its extreme ridges and bumpy growth between inter ribs. To make matter worse, historically, this guy has been growing its rib irregularly too, from 7 to 8 and finally 6! 

That is it for now, I have a bit more to write on Astrophytum and will continue on part 3.

Thanks for reading guys!


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