Monday, December 9, 2019

Grafting Baby Cactus On Pereskiopsis

30 Days Old or younger Seedling Graft

How long can you wait for a cactus to be old enough for grafting?

One year old?

2 cm big?

As big as your Trichocereus rootstock?

Why wait when you can graft right after the seed germinate! You save lot of time by grafting at such a young age. Astrophytum may takes 5 to 6 years to mature and bloom if grown conventionally yet by grafting to Pereskiopsis, Epiphylum, Selenicereus or Hylocereus; it can bloom as early as 8 months old.

How does it work?

Here is step by step pictures to help.

Step 1

Cut your healthy rootstock, around 1 inch off the top.

See the vascular ring? That where your scion ring should overlap.

Step 2

Prepare your scion. Cut it to match the size and level of the rootstock

Cynthia knitzei scion. It is very slow on own root and tend to crack when there is too much water.

The ring is not visible and seems to be scattered, do not throw this kind of scion away, it will grow normally.

Echinopsis seedling, 30 days after sowing

My finger for scale lol

Step 3 

Match the scion with rootstock.

Make sure the contact surface is fully utilize and the ring is intercepted.

Press a bit to remove air bubbles.

Step 4

This is my way of applying pressure. Wrap the union with plastic wrap and clamp it later.

Make sure you do not damage the scion from over pressing. You can always readjust later.

Step 5

Clamping time!

I will clamp the union when they are well arranged.

Plus, I will readjust their position if needed this time.

A bit of pressure is all needed. Make sure they would not move for another 2 weeks.


Astrophytum on Pereskiopsis

This is a random free seeds from online sale. Turn  out to be an Astrophytum.

Astrophytum on Hylocereus

You can use Hylocereus as replacement for seedling graft.

They are less likely to offshoot.


Pereskiopsis is full of GLOCHIDS!

Make sure you wear gloves or be immune to it.

Thanks for reading.

Hope that helps.


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