Saturday, November 30, 2019

November 2019 Cactus Graft Updates: Echinopsis Variegata Graft

2 Weeks Old Echinopsis Variegata Graft Updates

Previously, I have shared how to graft Echinopsis variegata onto Cereus rootstocks.

Basically, you should remove rubber band or plastic wraps after two weeks. Remove it earlier than that, you may end up exposing the union to dry especially when you graft them outside.

Without further ado, lets get the pics rolling.

#1 For a two weeks graft, this union is quite responsive. It is already pushing out pups.

#2 I am planning to let this one grow solitarily, with expectation for it to focus more on main growth.

#3 Another pupping machine

#4 Head graft, but already pupping

#5 A smaller head head graft

#6 Butt graft. Nothing is wasted.

#7 This is a different type of Echinopsis, a long and slender kind. Only one of there separate cuts made it this time.

Lesson learnt: Wait until the scion is actively growing and solidly plump before grafting.

#8 Butt graft and healthy pups.

#9 Big head graft and is pupping a full variegated pup, will see how it go in a month. Might graft the full yellow pup later on.

My findings this time are:

1. Variegated Echinopsis is cheap if sourced correctly, it serves well for mass grafting and you would not get afraid much to graft compared to expensive cactus.

2. Round Echinopsis hybrid are less likely to shrink compared to taller species or hybrid, thus they are easier to graft and succeed.

3. Echinopsis shows faster early growth when grafted compared to newly rooted own root. I need to see what their performance in the future is as own root Echinopsis might grow better than grafted or otherwise.

4. Echinopsis pups a lot on Cereus or when grafted. This is like a deja vu to my previous Chamaecereus grafts.

5. Echinopsis and Trichocereus family are well compatible with Cereus rootstocks.

You can view the effects of different rootstock here.


Cereus is a good bloomer cactus with 15-20 cm wide inflorescence. 

I will try to get their blooming pictures later if possible, they are nocturnal bloomer and monsoon is here currently.

Happy growing guys.

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