Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 2019 Cactus Updates: Astrophytum Myriostigma Fukuryu

Why Do I Love To Collect Astrophytum myriostigma Fukuryu?

Today I would like to share my new A.  myriostigma Fukuryu. Bought through eBay, it was originated from China and a degrafted Astrophytum. 

At the moment, China made cactus is receiving a not very warm welcome from some grower in my country. Generally, there is a mixed views between locally grown vs China vs Thailand. That also includes own root vs grafted. 

As an Agronomist, I never bother much by this because I choose what to obtain based on these reasons. 

1. Price 

Buying things online can be really expensive, I always watch for the currency of any listed cactus when surfing on eBay. That includes the shipment cost too, European, America and Australia cost more than China and Thailand; I will buy something really worthy if it came from these region. 

2. Rarity

China and Thailand are really good with mass producing grafted rare cactus, I always look from them when looking for cheap bargain. Rare cactus usually come with one of both of these characters namely price and difficulty to grow. Grafted cactus are more resilient and cheaper. 

3. Health

I always choose the healthiest cactus. Obviously, you can see wheather the cactus have been dried or removed from the pot for a long time or not. Sometimes, its about experience too, when you know your seller well, its kind of good product will get returning buyer. 

4. Size

I see size as how much I paid will worth it. Generally, bigger and cheaper is best of all combination. If it involves bidding and lots of cactus at same time, I will go for the bigger one. 

5. Period of shipment

The longer the cactus in shipment, the lesser their health is. It is related to country source and quality of product. Living in Asia, I will get better product from closeby countries, but any shipment lesser than a month is good to me. Dutch and Poland offers around 2 weeks shipment to me, and they are also cheap.

6. Purpose

I have 3 main purpose which are to graft as scion, to be replicate and used as rootstocks and to breed. Good trait and healthy plant will be grown and used for crossing. Small and cheaper cactus usually for grafting. 

Now, getting back to our main topic, I have a small number of cactus collection but putting a belief that they will grow in number later on due to my bad spending on cactus, flower crossing and grafting. 

I have collected 2 similar Fukuryu before this, there are other fukuryus as well but only two are similarly looking like this. 

Here is the link to my previous post about my Astrophytum collection.



They are distinctively come in attractive bright color and prominent inter ribs growth that resembles carambola or star fruit. 

I bought them all in order to make future cross and select their inter ribs growth traits and hopefully get something similar to A.  myriostigma Karina Keel Crested Fukuryu. 

Here is the picture of A. myriostigma Karina Keel Crested Fukuryu from Llifle website for reference. 

In conclusion, I really fond of Astrophytum species and among their variant, fukuryu is the one I love the most. 

Thanks for reading, happy growing guys! 


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