Sunday, December 8, 2019

Little Garden Visitors

Cactus Garden
 Pest vs Friend

Part 1

Have you ever waking up or coming back from work and found out that your plants getting bitten, munched or hollowed out?

I'm sure most of us have faced it while gardening. 

Who did this mate?



Your neighbor kids?

Or the smalls critters?

Some bugs are bad and exist to deal damage to your cactus, while others are doing good job pollinating and controlling pest population. 

Butterfly is only one of the names known to aid in pollinating flower. Fly, small bat and moth also strongly involved if you look close enough.

A fly image was captured on Chamaecereus, here they are responsible for all the unplanned cactus cross

Despites how ants was viewed as 'positive value insect' starting from teamwork to hardworking and even loyalty, they are the evil part of nature.

They spread meally bugs and aphids to new plant growth.

Ant image was captured on Pachycereus marginatus

Another ants on Cereus spegazzinii

Grass hopper image was captured on Cereus hildmannianus.

They always there to deal feeding damage on new growth or scion.

Very damaging existence indeed.

Fly on Pereskiopsis

Ants and group of aphids.

Grass hopper on Trichocereus

Weird looking fly on Echinopsis Cereus graft.

Thanks for reading

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